And yes, I know it's spelled wrong....
Tehre hvae been ltos of tiems in our lievs wehn taehcers hvae mraked us wrnog on qusetinos becasue we mispseleld a wrod. Somteiems the resaon we dind't get as hgih of a socre is becasue of tihs. Splelnig can be a rael prolbem for smoe pepole, but are thsoe taehcers raelly corerct?
I'm a decnet spleler, but I stlil dno't lkie it. A whlie ago, I saw somtehing on the copmuter that was prtety itneretsing. Acocrdnig to profesosrs at Cabrmidge Unviresity, spleling dosen't wrok the way we thnik it deos. Tehy say taht as lnog as the frist and lsat lteter of a wrod styas the smae, the inisde odrer of the letetrs dno't mtater. So deos taht maen taht we hvae been wrnog tihs enitre tmie?
Myabe spleling ins't as improtant as we thoguht. The olny thnig wtih tihs is, olny 55% of pepole can raed wrods tihs way, prboably becasue thye're so uesd to seieng it how it's "supopsed" to be. So tlel me, can you raed tihs?
If you can't read that above, this is what it translates to:
There have been lots of times in our lives when teachers have marked us wrong on questions because we misspelled a word. Sometimes the reason we didn't get as high of a score is because of this. Spelling can be a real problem for some people, but are those teachers actually correct?
I'm a decent speller, but I still don't like it. A while ago, I saw something on the computer that was pretty interesting. According to professors at Cambridge University, spelling doesn't work the way we think it does. They say that as long as the first and last letter of a word stays the same, the inside order of the letters don't matter. So does that mean that we have been wrong this entire time?
Maybe spelling isn't as important as we thought. The only thing with this is, only 55% of people can read words this way, probably because they're so used to seeing it how it's "supposed" to be. So tell me, can you read this?